Hotel Beijers greatly appreciates your interest in our hotel and your visit to our website. We try to keep the information on our website as accurate and up to date as possible. However, changes in prices, offers, facilities, images or other information on this website are subject to change at any time. Therefore no rights can be derived from the contents of this website. Hotel Beijers reserves the right to improve or otherwise change the information on the website at any time.
No rights can be derived from the content of this website. Hotel Beijers can not be held responsible for the consequences of the use, in any way, of the information on this site.
All information on this website in any form whatsoever (texts, forms, images, maps, sound and video excerpts etc.) are the property of Hotel Beijers, unless otherwise stated. You may save the information for your own use only. If you quote, please cite the source. Nothing may be disclosed, modified, reproduced or distributed without written permission from Hotel Beijers.
Viruses and security
This website is regularly checked for computer viruses, but the absence of viruses that could affect the functioning of your computer and/or software can unfortunately not be guaranteed. At several places on this website, access is offered to internet sites maintained by third parties. Hotel Beijers is not responsible for the content of those sites and can not be held responsible for the consequences of the use of the information on those sites.
Questions, suggestions and comments
Hotel Beijers does not want to receive confidential information through this internet site, or information that is copyrighted or otherwise protected by you or by third parties. Any information, in the form of suggestions, ideas, etc. received by Hotel Beijers from you will be considered by Hotel Beijers as non-confidential and non-proprietary. Hotel Beijers reserves the right to use, reproduce, modify, demonstrate, transmit and distribute the information sent by you for any purpose.
E-mail sent by Hotel Beijers
Information sent by Hotel Beijers by e-mail is intended solely for the addressee. Use of this information by anyone other than the addressee is not permitted. Reproduction, disclosure, distribution and/or provision of this information to third parties is not permitted. Hotel Beijers is not responsible for the accurate and complete transfer of the content of any sent e-mail, or for the timely receipt of such messages. No rights can be derived from the information sent to you.
Should you have any questions or should you need further information, you can always contact us through welcome@hotelbeijers.com